Monday, March 11, 2019

The Storm Within

                                                         The Storm Within

I stood on the edge of the cliff watching the storm roll over the rocks below. You left me standing in the mist. You are my nemesis of my heart and soul. You shatter me, like stained glass; leaving me like sharp fragments on the floor. The storm is getting stronger and it is harder to hold on. I let you go a while ago but you return on the tide. Splashing on my hopes with your ancient words. They are like lighting strikes hitting my chest a thousand times. The winds of the storm rip at my heart and like you, leave me tattered. I am a ship wreck on the rocks, my treasure is at the bottom to the deep cold sea. Your waves battered against my frame, yet I hold firm. I watch the storm’s fury beat against the cliffs, it climbs higher to engulf and sweep me out to sea. I rage out against the storm you bring forth to defeat me. You will not conquer me, I shall slay the wicked games you play. Your storm will not become my master of self-destruction. I will rise from your ashes and leave you laying bare on the shore. I will not look back upon you as you now battle the storm within. 

LAL © 