The best thing that walked into your life
Just walked out the door, you fool
You were so close to tasting
The sweetness of her
You saw it her eyes, the love
You once had the flame for her
You let it burn out with your selfishness
You only fed the fire when it suited your need
You fooled us all, playing the part
Your heart departed, leaving her on the stage
You had us captured, watching from afar
Knowing it would last forever
But you, let the light in your heart go dim
Tossed her aside like yesterday's news
You let her leave without a second thought
Only a casual goodbye
The best thing that walked into your life
Just walked out the door, you fool
You fool, you fool of the heart
When someone else loves her
Will you sink into a pool of regret?
Will you cry tears of sorrow?
That you will have her no more
She walked out the door
You fool, you fool, you fool
Can you see into your future?
All your lovers will come and go
You have no true love for them
Because the best thing to walk into your life
Just walked out the door.
(c) LAL